Thursday, December 13, 2012


BUILDING your Oriflame business requires DEDICATION, HARD WORK & PATIENCE. REMEMBER every NO you hear takes you closer to the YES you are looking for. Keep taking ACTION everyday and suddenly the RESULTS will start to show up!!

The Three Pillars of Success in Oriflame & Network Marketing are:
Network Marketing, 'MLM', and Multi Level Marketing are all terms that refer to the same type of business
 model. There has been a lot of negativity about MLM in the past, but that is fast changing as amazing results are being realised around the world and it can produce outstanding results if you know how to find the right company - Oriflame. And to maximize your potential, there are a few simple concepts whose understanding is critical to your success.
1) Residual Income
2) Leverage
3) Duplication
And the combination of all three of these elements is what gives the Oriflame business model its synergy and exceptional performance potential. But you have to take the time to understand these three critical principles. Most people are afraid of failure, and for them it may be better and easier to live life in a rut. Others are satisfied or even happy with their jobs, incomes, or lifestyles, and that's great for them. But if you're one of millions who yearn for more freedom and control in your life, you must understand the following three principles to achieve True Success in your Oriflame business.
Residual income is recurring income that continues to come to you long after the work you've done to produce it has ended. Train your Oriflame people how to do the business right & they train their teams & you earn for years from this initial training. Most people who fail at network marketing or their Oriflame business just give up too soon and quit because they expect INSTANT results. But because the real beauty of residual income is on the back end, not the front, once you build it you have the financial security and time freedom to do anything you want the rest of your life!
The RIGHT network marketing opportunity allows anyone, with no prior experience, special skills, or large capital outlay, to build long term, passive residual income. A critical component to building long term residual income is offering high quality, high demand, value-priced, 'consumable' products like the cosmetics that we sell in Oriflame, that people use and re-order month after month.
Because of this simple fact, the top industry in Network Marketing by any measurable standard is Nutritional Supplements and Personal Care products. In Kenya the average spend a month on Personal care is between 4 & 5 billion shillings a month. THIS ALONE SPEAKS VOLUMES FOR THE DEMAND FOR ORIFLAME PRODUCTS!
And with the right business the rewards can be much more than just financial! It's hard to put a price tag on the goose bumps you feel or tears that come to your eyes sometimes when someone thanks you profusely for introducing them to a product that has had a major impact on their skin, their life, or their financial situation. Unfortunately some people never grasp the importance of this additional benefit. Most good people want to feel they are doing something worthwhile with their life. And it's not just about making money, even though many narrow-minded or greedy people will try to convince you it is. It's also about helping others. And doing both can make the right business doubly rewarding! But your business also has to have profit potential & Oriflame offers you a 30% margin, every time you sell their products.
Every successful person or business (in or out of Network Marketing) takes advantage of leverage. There's only 24 hours in a day! And no matter how talented you are or how much you get paid per hour, if you don't take advantage of leverage you're limited by the number of hours in a day. By learning to leverage your time, you can also benefit from a percentage of other people's efforts, and dramatically increase your income and freedom. Unfortunately in most traditional businesses, the only ones who benefit from leverage are the owners or stockholders. The loyal, hard-working employees do most of the work! The unique and wonderful thing about the Network Marketing business model is that everyone has the same opportunity to become the 'owner' of their own business - with a fraction of the investment of time and money of a traditional business or franchise.
And instead of worrying about training people to become your competitors, in Oriflame the people at the top have a vested interest in helping others on their team succeed. Not only will the total result with leverage almost always be a lot more, but your income is not dependent on only one person. If it is, and that person gets sick or injured, disabled, dies, quits working, or decides to go on a long vacation, your income could stop! But if your income is produced by the activities of many, it is much more dependable. Even if something unexpected or negative happens to one or more of those people, it only has a minor effect on the total production. That's what allows people who understand and take advantage of this to live the lifestyle they choose or get paid while on extended vacations. It's great to get paid while you're on vacation or doing other things you love! That's one of the many advantages of leveraging your time, and is just one of many reasons so many high income professionals from all walks of life are flocking to get involved in Network Marketing.
Here is a simple illustration of how networking can work. If I can teach you, I've doubled myself. If we each teach someone else, we've doubled again. And as this goes on and on it can produce amazing results in a relatively short period of time. The easier your program is to do and the lower the cost to get involved, the more people you can appeal to and the more potential for duplication in your business. The Network Marking business model is about a lot of average people doing a little, not a few talented people doing a lot. With the RIGHT business - ORIFLAME - and these POWERFUL PRINCIPLES, even average people who are willing to work and to learn can achieve their dreams. And above average people may exceed their greatest expectations. If you can UNDERSTAND and BELIEVE IN those three principles you will succeed in ORIFLAME. If you're willing to TEACH these THREE principles to a few others, the results might just amaze you!

The beauty of Network Marketing & Oriflame is that you can get started with very little investment of time or money, in fact only Kshs 450/- and no major changes in your present lifestyle. Eventually, passive residual income can give you the FREEDOM to live the lifestyle YOU CHOOSE, and pursue and enjoy your dreams - whatever they are!
Best wishes for True Success and a HAPPY, HEALTHY, PRODUCTIVE LIFE!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


DON'T MISS OUT ON THIS GREAT OFFER - ITS HEALTHY HAIR WEEK on my blog.  Did you know that your hair is the frame to your face? It's therefore extremely important that your hear is healthy & vibrant. To help you get there I have a special off
er on an Oriflame Hair product for all the people who have liked my page. All you have to do is visit an Oriflame shop at Yaya Centre 4th Floor, Corner House, 2nd Mezzanine floor or Mombasa TSS Tower 1st floor and buy this little gem using my account and save 23%. My account details are SUSAN RODRIGUES consultant number 8. The gem is "NATURE HAIR OIL with 100% Coconut oil. Code 21712. Selling price Kshs 1,150/-, but if you use my account , you will only pay 900/-. Remember this is an investment in your hair. Happy shopping!!!