Every one of you loves to keep your skin healthy and glowing always; don’t you? Well, while there is plenty of online resources giving you numerous tips and advice on skin care, it is necessary to understand the skin type and characteristics before acting on any specific advice. Although the skin structure (the proper medical term is skin anatomy!) is identical in every one, there are different types of skin that have diverse responding power to any specific skin care treatment. A certain skin care product may not have the same effect on your skin as it has on your friend’s skin. In some cases, you may also find that certain skin products have allergic reaction with your skin while they might have proven great for some other people. So, if you are serious about your skin care, you must find out what your actual skin type is. Dermatologists have identified the 5 basic skin types according to their characteristics. The parameters for classification are amount of oil your skin excretes and the sensitivity of your skin. Once you know your type of skin, you can adopt the suitable skin care regimen. Oriflame has a very wide selection of Skin care products for every skin type. Check out out catalogue at http://africa.oriflame.com/Kenya
Oily skin
Oily skin
By looking at its name, you might have guessed it that this type of skin is characterized by more oil secretion. Yes, you are right. If you take a closer look, you will find that this type has enlarged skin pores and you will feel a slight tightness after washing or cleansing this skin. The Pure Nature products on page 10 & 11 are the secret weapon against oily blemished skin.
Dry skin
Again you can see that this skin type is very dry in appearance and feel due to very low oil secretion through its small skin pores. If you cleanse this type of skin with hard cleanser, you will experience a distinct tightness and feel of diminishing skin elasticity. Fine wrinkles, red patches and dead skin build up are its usual characteristics. The Pure Nature range of Aloe Vera products on page 20 is a great way to make that change in your skin care regime.
Combination skin
Also known as normal skin, this type facilitates easy skin care. It has a smooth and even texture with medium sized skin pores. It exhibits the characteristics of oily and dry skin. In "T" zone, it appears oily while it is usually dry on cheeks. The Optimals range on page 24 is an amazing range for combination/oily skin.
Aging skin
Also known as sun damaged skin because sun exposure has been the principal cause behind the premature aging of skin; it shows typical leathery structure with broken capillaries. Besides sun exposure, factors like smoking, gravitational pull also accelerate skin-aging process. Mature skin needs special care, and it is important to start your skincare regime on the right products. There are amazing products on page 3 & 5, page 9. page 15, page 18, page 28 & page30
Sensitive skin
This skin profile is highly responsive/ sensitive to particular external environmental changes. Characterized by thin and delicate appearance with fine skin pores, the climate changes can trigger to experience skin rashes. Products on page 17 and page 18 are best for sensitive skin.
If you are not sure of your skin type, there are various test that your beuaty salon can carry out for you and tell you or visit an Oriflame Beaty Store in Nairobi, Mombasa, Kampala or Dar es salaam and they will carry out the test for you. Treat your skin with the care it deserves and take care of it with ORIFLAME NATURAL SWEDISH COSMETICS. Contact Susan Rodrigues on susanrodrigues@yahoo.co.uk for more information.